Support Our Mission

Thank you for taking a moment to consider making a gift to Kidron Bethel Village. As a non-profit long-term care community, residents can continue to live on our campus and receive personalized care if they happen to find themselves in an unplanned circumstance where they have run out of funds to cover the full cost of their care.

This is possible through the generosity of local, national and international supporters of Kidron Bethel Village who believe in our mission of providing compassionate care to seniors. Please use our secure online donation system to donate any amount you wish. 

Live Forward Campaign

Your gift will help support the Health Care Benevolent Fund.  This fund is a ministry of Kidron Bethel Village and its loyal supporters.  Your gift supports Kidron Bethel Village’s mission to:

  • Ensure the highest level of commitment and care possible
  • Provide care with loving compassion while fostering dignity and respect 
  • Enable residents to make personal choices
  • Enrich lives through wellness of mind, body and spirit
  • Develop a strong sense of community and friendship


For questions or information, contact Kris White, Director of Fund Advancement, at 316-836-4851 or via our contact form.

Thank you to all our 2022 sponsors!

Additional Giving Options

There are many ways you can contribute to and support Kidron Bethel Village. We are committed to helping you identify a giving vehicle that feels most comfortable to you and fits your current stage of life.  

Check or Electronic Funds Transfer

Gifts made by check should be payable to Kidron Bethel Village and mailed to:

Kidron Bethel Village
Attn: Fund Advancement
3001 Ivy Drive
North Newton, KS 67117 

Donate to Kidron Bethel Village monthly with an automated contribution withdrawn from your bank account. Complete this form to get started.

A Gift In Your Will

A gift made through your will can mean a tremendous difference for residents at Kidron Bethel Village. These gifts can be made for a specific amount, a percentage of your estate or by leaving the remainder of your estate to Kidron Bethel Village after all your instructions are completed. 

Gifts That Pay You Income

A charitable gift annuity is a way to make a gift to Kidron Bethel Village while receiving a fixed rate of return for the remainder of your life.

A charitable remainder trust is an arrangement in which property or money is put into a trust to benefit Kidron Bethel Village, but the donor continues to use the property and/or receive income from it while living. The beneficiaries receive the income and the charity receives the principal after a specified period of time.

Gift Through Life Insurance

Designate Kidron Bethel Village as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy. You can also gift an insurance policy to Kidron Bethel Village with Kidron Bethel Village as the owner of the policy.

Gift Through Retirement Plans

Make Kidron Bethel Village a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), SEP, Keogh, or other qualified retirement plan.  It does not cost anything to make this change. The administrator of your plan can give you a one-page form to make this change.

  • It is revocable.
  • It reserves all of the assets for your use if you need them.
  • It can save taxes for you and your estate.
  • It can make more money in your estate available to your family and friends.

Gifts Of Grain

You can gift grain to benefit Kidron Bethel Village while also deducting the cost of production and potentially qualifying for other tax benefits as well. You sell the commodity and the buyer writes the check to Kidron Bethel Village (also forwarding a scale ticket or auction receipt). Or, you can designate an amount of grain to be held at an elevator for Kidron Bethel Village, notify the fund advancement office, and we will direct the sale.

For questions about these or other giving options, contact Kris White, Director of Fund Advancement, at 316-836-4851 or via our contact form.